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March 28, 2024Students Can Seek Damages After Educor Deregistration
The deregistration of four Educor institutions, including City Varsity, Damelin, Icesa City
Campus, and Lyceum College, have left thousands of students stranded and uncertain
about their academic futures. However, according to consumer law expert Trudie
Broekmann, affected students have legal remedies they can explore to claim damages
and seek compensation.
Broekmann explains that there exists a contractual relationship between the institutions,
their students, and parents. Due to the deregistration, the colleges will no longer be able
to provide educational services to their students, amounting to a breach of contract. As
a result, students and their parents can claim damages and are under no obligation to
pay for services that will not be provided.
Students who have already paid their fees for the year are entitled to claim back a
portion of their fees for the period when services will no longer be provided. The
Minister of Higher Education, Blade Nzimande, has also stated that Educor would have
to reimburse students where it’s due.
Additionally, students looking to complete their studies at other institutions may face
challenges with the transfer of credits and may be forced to repeat some modules,
incurring additional costs. Broekmann explains that in such cases, the deregistered
institution will have to bear the cost of the studies and living expenses for the portion of
the student’s studies at another educational institution.
The Higher Education Department has acknowledged the potential challenges students
may face in transferring credits and the additional costs involved. However, Broekmann
emphasizes that students have legal recourse to seek compensation for the damages
they have suffered due to the deregistration of educational institutions.
As uncertainty prevails, affected students and their families are advised to explore their
legal options and seek professional advice to ensure their rights are protected and they
are adequately compensated for the disruption caused to their academic pursuits.