Healthy boundaries build strong lasting bonds

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Healthy boundaries build strong lasting bonds

In any relationship, whether romantic, platonic, or professional, setting clear boundaries is
crucial for fostering a healthy dynamic built on mutual understanding and respect.
Boundaries act as guardrails, defining what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour, and
establishing a sense of personal autonomy.

“Boundaries are not barriers; they are a way of protecting your individuality while still
allowing for intimacy and connection,” explains relationship counsellor Sarah Thompson.
“Without them, relationships can become codependent, with one partner’s needs
consistently overshadowing the other’s.”

Establishing boundaries doesn’t have to be confrontational. It’s about open and honest
communication, expressing your needs, and defining your comfort levels. Perhaps you need
more alone time to recharge, or you prefer to keep certain aspects of your life private.
Whatever the case may be, voicing these expectations from the outset can prevent
misunderstandings and resentment from brewing down the line.

Moreover, setting boundaries is an act of self-care. “It’s about respecting yourself enough to
identify what you will and won’t accept,” adds Thompson. “When you neglect your own
needs in favour of pleasing others, it can lead to burnout, anxiety, and a loss of self-identity.”

In healthy relationships, boundaries are recognized and upheld by both parties. They create
a safe space for individuals to thrive while still nurturing intimacy and trust. As the old adage
goes, “Good fences make good neighbours.” The same principle applies to our closest
bonds – a little space can bring us closer together.