Operation Shanela jailed 71 suspects over the weekend

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Operation Shanela jailed 71 suspects over the weekend

Operation Shanela proves to be a massive success following the arrest of 71 suspects
for various crimes across the province over the weekend.

Along with the arrests, a gun, four allegedly stolen televisions, and drugs including 3
574,64 kilograms of dagga, 18 pinches of suspected Nyaope, and two pinches of crystal
meth were found.

During the operation, a total of 782 vehicles had to go through the police checkpoints
with 1886 people searched. Traffic fines as well as fines for non-compliance to
Mpumalanga Economic Regulator on liquor trading were issued.

According to Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela, the Provincial
Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, the operation has proven to be successful,
and crime would undoubtedly decrease going forward.